To support individuals in their pursuit to provide adequate and sustainable Healthcare and Educational access to underserved communities in Guinea-Bissau and the United States.
We recognize that access to food, health services, and education are necessary to fulfill one’s potential. The people of Guinea-Bissau are hungry for opportunities to nourish their bodies, their minds, and to create economic opportunities while sustaining their environment and not depleting their natural resources. It is our mission to connect communities to these resources.
Past project
In 2018, Esmeraldo delivered 13 battery chargers and 25 backpacks filled with school supplies that were donated by an employer and different community members. These seemingly small contributions had a significant impact on the teachers and students who received them, but the school itself was in desperate need of repairs.
Professor Joaquim Silva Foundation
The Professor Joaquim Silva Foundation was founded by Esmeraldo Silva, a native of Guinea-Bissau, whose hard work and dedication were recognized by a Peace Corps volunteer, who helped Esmeraldo to come to the US for medical treatment in 1999. Esmeraldo currently resides in Portland, Oregon with his family, but he regularly sends funds to his extended family in Guinea-Bissau and has dedicated himself to sharing the opportunities that he was granted with people in his homeland, as well as to reciprocating to underserved youth in the United States.

Our heroes in actions - Helping the people!

Esmeraldo Silva
CEO / Founder
Esmeraldo, with dual citizenship in Guinea-Bissau and the United States, was born in Mansoa.

Teri Fane
Director of Operations
Is a student at North Carolina A&T State University, studying International Management.

Meera Niles-Paul
Director of Communications
She completed her undergraduate degree in International Studies at the Soka University of America.

Cláudio A. Rumal
He is a radio speaker, designer and he has his background in Computer Network Systems in Morocco.
Professor Joaquim Silva Foundation
This is our official website, we strive to help the neediest, focusing on Africa specifically Guinea-Bissau. If you have something you want to donate, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to write your name or your organization/Corporation on this great path. To donate, it can be clothes, books, shoes, money, etc.
Address: 9350 SW Hall Blvd #10, Portland, Oregon 97223
Phone: +1 971 373 8188 | +1 (503) 784 00 06
Professor Joaquim Silva Foundation
The purpose of this organization is to bridge the two communities, Portland, OR, and Mansoa, Guinea-Bissau.
PJSF is a 501 (c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization
EIN: 83-3851521
Copyright © 2019 PJS Foundation
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